Device Settings contains settings for configuring a cash drawer to work with the software in an integrated fashion.
Cash Drawer Port
Used for drawers connected via a serial cable and references the serial port (e.g., com1) used.
Cash Drawer Program Location
The location of the program to open the cash drawer. For example: c:\program files\cashdrawer\open.exe.
Consumer Display
If you provide a monitor for the consumer to see the transaction, use this field to select it from the list.
Phone Dialer Program Location
The location of the program to dial the phone. If you have a fax/modem device configured for Windows on your machine, leave this blank, and The Edge will use that by default. If you have your own dialer program, then use this field to specify that. For example, it might read c:\program files\MyPhoneSystem\DialThisNumber.exe. This program must accept the phone number as the first argument on the command line.