Account Number Required (Last 4 Digits)
Require the last four digits of a credit card number when processing offline.
Address Verification System Copy from Customer
Set to True if you want to initialize the Address Verification System data from the customer record.
Authorization Code Required
Whether the authorization code is required when performing an offline entry of the credit card.
Authorization Code Visible
Whether the authorization code is visible when performing an offline entry of a credit card.
Batch Error Additional Emails
If there is an error in batch settlement, an error message will go to whoever is listed on The Edge license. This field allows you to list additional recipients. Use a new line for each recipient email address.
Customer Name Compare
Set to True if you want to compare the name on the credit card to what is on the magnetic strip when swiping.
Customer Name Required
Set to True if you want to require manual entry of the cardholder name when offline.
Customer Name Visible
Set to True if you want the Cardholder Name fields to appear on the tender window when offline.
Customer on File Required
Set to True if you require a customer to be in your database before you will accept a credit card.
Expiration Date Required
Set to True if you want to require manual entry of the expiration date when offline.
Expiration Date Visible
Set to True if you want the expiration date field to be visible when offline.
Signature Text
The text that appears under the signature line to indicate agreement to the terms of sale.
When is Address Verification System Required
Select the option for when customer’s billing address is required for address verification: Unknown, AlwaysOptional, RequiredForCNP, AlwaysRequired.
When is the CVV Code Required
Select the option for when the CVV code is required: Unknown, AlwaysOptional, RequiredForCNP, AlwaysRequired.