Text (SMS) Notifications

Text notifications can be automatically sent to associates when new tasks are created. To take advantage of this feature, you must be licensed to enable text notifications. Contact our Administrative department for more information: Admin@ajsllc.com.

Once enabled, notifications will be set for any task that has Notify set to Text. The system option New Task Default Notify controls whether this is enabled for new tasks by default.

By default, these text messages will send as “New Task created <Subject of Task> ”

To customize this text:

  1. Click Administrative > Notifications > Text Messages
  2. Click Add
  3. In the top right, use the Notification Type drop-down to select Task New
  4. Enter a Title and Description; these are NOT the content of the message, but just internal labels. 
  5. In Text Input, enter the content of the message. Use the Merge Fields on the right to dynamically insert text from the task. For example, the merge field {AssociateName} will put the associate’s name in the text. The Text Output Sample window shows a preview of the text. 
  6. Click OK / Save and Close
  7. Click Administrative > Notifications > Text Message Administration
  8. Use the drop-down next to New Task to select the text template you created. 
  9. Click OK / Save and Close.
Updated on Tue, 16 May 2023 by Angela Chiaravalle

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