Creating Automated Notification Rules

To create an Automated Notification rule:

  1. Click Administrative > Automation Rules > Automation Rules, then click Add Timed Rule.
  2. Enter a Name and click Next.  In this example, we will be creating an Overdue Repair Pickup reminder.

  3. Select Automated Notification and click Next.

  4. Select the Notification Type, then specify either an Email Template, SMS Template, or both. After choosing the template(s), set the desired Time Options.  

    In this example we are creating a Repair Done Reminder that will go out to the customer 7 days after their repair was finished if it still has not been picked up.  This reminder will only be sent once and will use the same Notification Type that was set on the job record. 

  5. After setting your options, click Next and then Finish to save your rule.


Updated on Thu, 08 Dec 2022 by Angela Chiaravalle

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