Opportunities can be fully customized to fit your store’s sales workflow. Default values are provided but can be changed for Titles, Stages, Next Steps, Results, Events, and Priorities.
To access Opportunity settings:
- Click Administrative > Advanced Settings > Opportunities. The Opportunity Settings form will appear.
Name of the opportunity, for example Birthday Gift, Anniversary Gift, Gift.
Steps an opportunity can go through. You can assign percentages to stages so that you can monitor how far along each opportunity is towards completion.
Next Steps
The next action that should happen for this opportunity. These can be set by both associates and managers.
When an opportunity is closed a result must be selected. Conditions can be placed on each result to require things like linking to a sale when the opportunity is a successful sale.
The type of event for this opportunity, for example Birthday, Anniversary, Wedding. Events can be set to automatically pull in occasion dates from the customer record.
What is most important to the customer for this sale? For example, are they set on a specific price point or are they concerned about getting the gift by a certain date?
Contact Methods
Select the customer contact method type for logging on the Opportunity.
- Use the menu on the left to choose which element of Opportunities you wish to modify, then use the Add, Edit, and Delete buttons to make your changes.
- There are additional options specific to these sections:
- Use this title for generating opportunities from wish lists
Makes this title the default used when creating opportunities from wish lists.
- Percent to Closed
Advancing to this stage will increase the percentage to close by this amount.
- Stage Property
Can be used to set the default stage for new opportunities or to make reaching this stage close the opportunity.
- Result starts a new opportunity.
This result will automatically create a new linked opportunity.
- Result requires notes.
This result requires notes before the opportunity can be closed.
- Requires a Sale ID.
This result requires a link to a sale before the opportunity can be closed.
- Require an Item ID.
This result requires a link to an item before the opportunity can be closed.
- Remaining Items to Wishlist
This result will take any items on the opportunity that were not purchased and place them on the customer’s wish list.
- Considered a positive result.
For reporting purposes, this result is a positive result, i.e., the sale was made.
- When closing the Opportunity change the stage to this:
This result will update the opportunity’s stage to this when it is closed.
- Date
Set a specific Event Date when this Event is selected, e.g., 2/14 for Valentine’s Day.
- Use Customer’s Anniversary Date
If available, use the Anniversary Date from their customer record.
- Use Customer’s Birthday
If available, use the customer’s birthday from their customer record.
- Use Spouse’s Birthday
If available, use the customer’s spouse’s birthday from their customer record.
- After making desired changes, click Close.