The Conversion Coordinator will email you the Reconciliation Form specific to your conversion, AFTER receiving your signed/returned Discovery Phase Agreement and Conversion Standards form, which you are required to fill out and return before the Conversion can proceed. This page is for reference only.
In order to validate the accuracy of converted data we require:
- Record counts
- Reports from your current software
- Screenshots from your current software
- Copies of receipts from your current software
If information cannot be provided you will need to sign a waiver as we have no way to validate the accuracy of converted data.
Record Counts & Images
Please complete and initial each count:
Count |
Initials |
# of Customers |
# of Vendors |
# of Inventory Items in Stock |
Total Cost of Inventory |
Images: ☐ Y ☐ N
File Location for Images: ________________________________________________
Please provide the following reports from your current software:
Category/Department List
☐ A report that lists the categories (departments) in your old database.
☐ Please indicate with a "B" any categories that are best managed as "bulk". Bulk means you stock multiple items of the same SKU and each item is identical. Examples might include chains, beads, or batteries.
On Hand Items by Vendor
☐ A report that summarizes all in stock inventory with subtotals for each vendor and grand totals that include item count, cost, and retail price.
On Hand Items by Category or Department
☐ A report that summarizes all in stock inventory with subtotals for each category/department and grand totals that include item count, cost, and retail price.
Sold Items by Vendor for Last Month
☐ A report that summarizes all inventory items sold last month with subtotals for each vendor and grand totals that include item count, cost, retail price, and sold price.
Sold Items by Vendor for Last Year
☐ A report that summarizes all inventory items sold last year with subtotals for each vendor and grand totals that include item count, cost, retail price, and sold price.
Non-Inventory Sales for Last Month
☐ A report that summarizes sales last month by type (inventory vs. non-inventory).
Non-Inventory Sales for Last Year
☐ A report that summarizes sales last year by type (inventory vs. non-inventory).
It is important for us to see what your old system looks like visually.
Please provide screenshots of the following:
☐ 3 or more customer records of clients with lots of activity. Be sure to get the entire profile, even if that means taking multiple screenshots per customer.
☐ 3 or more item records showing the maximum amount of detail including stones. If applicable, please tell us how you identify memo and/or consignment items.
☐ 3 or more stone records that include multiple stones with the maximum amount of detail possible.
☐ 3 or more item records of pieces that are tracked as bulk (e.g. beads, batteries, cleaner) as opposed to individual fine jewelry.
To take a screenshot on a Windows computer:
- Press the Print Screen button on your keyboard. This will copy the current screen to your clipboard.
- Open a Microsoft Word document, email, or the included Paint app, then paste the screenshot from the clipboard (CTRL+V).
There are also third-party applications that can do this for you, such as Snagit or ScreenHunter. If you are using Windows 10 you could also use the included Snipping Tool app.
Sample Receipts
Please include receipts for these transaction types:
☐ A sale with a discounted item.
☐ At least one sale for each payment type.
☐ A sale with an item return.
☐ Service jobs such as repairs, custom jobs, appraisals, and special orders.
☐ Multi-part transactions such as intake, interim payments, cancellation, and pickup.
☐ Voided transaction.
The Conversion Coordinator will email you the Reconciliation Form specific to your conversion, AFTER receiving your signed/returned Discovery Phase Agreement and Conversion Standards form, which you are required to fill out and return before the Conversion can proceed. This page is for reference only.