Find SKU
This button allows you to search for a repair SKU by its search keys
Currently selected SKU; only populated if you use repair SKUs
Custom job task description; auto-fills if using repair SKUs, otherwise you can always fill in manually; the second description field below it allows you to enter private task notes that the customer will not see
The associate completing the task
Price broken down by parts, labor, and other; to enter cost you must view Details
Whether parts, labor, and/or other pricing are taxable; default is set via Tax on Services
Opens details window for selected task allowing you to enter more information including cost; also allows you to revise prices
Move Up / Down
These buttons change the order tasks appear on screen as well as order they will print
Cancel / Uncancel
Mark selected task as canceled or, if already canceled, will undo cancellation; if the task is empty this will remove the task line entirely
Add Task
Create a new custom job task