Credit Card Tender Details Report Overview

The Credit Card Tender Detail report displays transactions with an emphasis on credit card details. 

Data fields in the Credit Card Tender Detail report include:

Sale #

The ID for the transaction in which the sale took place.


The date of the sale.


The customer’s ID and name.

Total Tender

The total sale.


The amount of the sale in cash.


The amount of the sale in checks.


The amount of the sale charged to a VISA®.


The amount of the sale charged to MasterCard®.


The amount of the sale charged to Discover®.

Wells Fargo

The amount of the sale charged to Wells Fargo®.

American Express

The amount of the sale charged to American Express®.


  • The credit cards shown in the Credit Card Tender report above are examples.  The credit cards that are actually listed will be those for which your system is configured to accept.
  • If a sale used more than one credit card payment, there will be an entry for each payment with a subtotal for the transaction.


Updated on Fri, 04 Jun 2021 by Angela Chiaravalle

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