Customers Missing from Statements

Most commonly when customers are not appearing when printing statements. Below you will find the top reasons why customers might be missing from printed statements, with how to verify and correct this issue. 

  1. "Never Send Statement" on the customer record is selected.
    You can verify if this is the case by going to Customer > Find - locate the customer, then visit the Options tab to see if the box for this option is checked.
  2. The dates don't match the charge.
    When using house accounts we are looking at the prior months charges.
  3. The customer either does not have an address, or the address is NOT marked as preferred.
    If they do not have a preferred address, they are marked as "do not mail"
    When running statements you can select "include customers with no mailing addresses" the customer should be included when they are generated but it will show a blank address.



Updated on Mon, 30 Aug 2021 by Angela Chiaravalle

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