Exporting Customers for Clientbook

To export customers for Clientbook:

  1. Click Customers > Export > For Other. The Export Customers window will appear.

  2. Click the drop-down arrow under Customer Criteria to open the Customer Filter. You may specify any customer criteria you wish to export, but for Clientbook you MUST include these selections below:

         a.    General tab: Check the boxes for Cell/Mobile Numbers Only, Preferred Address Only, and Preferred Email Only:

         b.    Results tab: Under Addressee, check Each Individually:

  3. Once you have finished selecting your criteria, click OK to return to the Export Customers window.
  4. Click the drop-down arrow under Export To File Name... and select a location to save your exported file.
  5. Name/save your export in this format:  {YourStoreName}_ClientBook_Export.csv
  6. Email your Clientbook Customer Success Manager after saving your export. They will import your file.


Updated on Fri, 12 Aug 2022 by Angela Chiaravalle

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