The On Account report lists all customer deposits on account including open transactions such as layaways, special orders, repairs, etc. This report is used specifically to account for customer deposits liability.
For this report, despite the date selection, this report query is modified to include balances forward from previous dates and activity for the specified date range. The end date of the report will determine the cutoff point for the on account balances.
For example, if you wish to see detail for on account transactions for last month and by account type, run the report as follows: Set the activity date to last month, check Account Type in the Group By field, and check all appropriate account types from the option that you want to report on.
The report returns balances for all accounts that have a balance as of the selected end date, regardless of start date. Detail for transactions will be included for only the selected date range.

Data fields in the On Account report include:
Account #
The ID for the transaction listed in the account.
Start Date
The date this transaction was started.
Start Amount
Total amount of transaction.
Start Deposit
Initial deposit given on inception.
Activity Type
The type of activity.
Activity Date
The date of last activity.
Activity Amt Due
The amount still due on this transaction.
Activity On Account
The total amount held on account towards this transaction.