Top Customers with Emails or Addresses for Export

To export a list of your top customers, you will first need to generate a Top N report then save as a list to export. 

Follow the steps outlined below to first generate your list of customers, and then how to export them from Edge.

  1. First, go to Reports > Customers > Top N.
  2. Enter the desired amount of customers in the Top N box.
  3. Select a sale date range in the Sale Date field.
  4. In the Sold To field:
    •  If you need ALL customers with an email, in the email field, type in =ANY (be sure to include the equal sign).
    •  If you need ALL customers with an address, in the street field, type in =ANY (be sure to include the equal sign).
  5. You can define a specific Category or Vendor if needed, or you can select the "Based on Tender" box which will look at all sales (merchandise, custom/repair, misc sale, etc).
  6. Click OK to run the report.
  7. At the top of the report once generated, select the Mailing button.
  8. Then select "New List" and give it a unique name such as Top Watch Customers.
  9. Click OK to save.

Once your report has been named and saved, follow the steps below for exporting:

  1. Go to Customer > Find.
  2. Check all three boxes labeled as "Preferred" (phone, address, email). - this will eliminate duplicates on your list.
  3. On the Results tab:
    •  For mailers, select Couple.
    •  For emails, select Each Individually.
  4. On the Other Keys tab:
    •  Use the Mailing List drop down to select the list you created.
  5. Click OK to generate your list.
  6. To Export your list, right click anywhere on your generated list and select Export.
  7. Name your exported file and select where you want to save it, then click Save



Updated on Wed, 21 Aug 2024 by Angela Chiaravalle

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