Report not Matching by Associate Compared to Whole Month

Why Report Doesn't Match and How to Resolve

The reason your reports are not matching is likely due to how you are running the reports.
The cause of this is likely because you ran the report with an Associate ID entered into the Sold By drop down field. This causes some duplicates as a result.

For example:
Sale 001-50564 will show on your 2020 Daily Activity Report ONE time when you run it for ALL associates.

But once you break it out into individual associates by using the Sold By field, then this sale will show under multiple associates because it is a SPLIT sale.

The numbers are still accurate, but it will depend on how you want to look and determine your associate goals.
Doing it this way will have them show with full credit for the sale.

If you want to count split sales as part of the goals, but PROPERLY count the split %, you will want to run the report differently.

For this you can run the report for your date range, but instead of specifying an associate in the SOLD BY field, simply check Original Associates in the Group/Sort By box.

This will split the sales on the report, so instead of showing a $2,182.98 sale for 2 separate associates, it will instead show as $1091.49 on each associate.



Updated on Mon, 10 May 2021 by Angela Chiaravalle

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