This feature is used to merge customer records. This is useful if you have duplicate customer records, either because of accidental entry or as the result of a data conversion. It contains two functions: Merge Customer and Duplicate Check & Merge.
Merge Customer
Use this to merge any two customer records. In cases of conflicting information (e.g. different spouses) you will be able to choose which information is retained.
Duplicate Check & Merge
Use this to automatically search for duplicates. Probable matches will be returned and you can merge multiple records at once. In cases of conflicting information the data from the originally selected customer will be retained. Any conflicts will be noted on the merged customer’s notes. Please check the customer notes after merge.
To use Merge Customer:
- Click Customer > Find, search for the customer you wish to keep, and Edit the record.
- Click Supervisor > Merge. The Merge Customer window will appear.
- Select Merge and click OK. The Merge A Customer window will appear.
- Use the drop-down under the Customer record to be consumed to open the customer filter.
- Enter criteria to search for a customer and click OK. A list of matching customers will appear.
- Click the customer you want to merge and click Select. The Merge A Customer window will appear showing the customer to be consumed on the left (customer you just selected) and the customer that will remain on the right (original customer you edited).
- Any information present on the record for each will be displayed. Use the checkboxes to indicate which info to take from the consumed record. This information will be copied to the remaining customer and will overwrite whatever was there.
- Click OK and then save your customer to complete the merge.
Check your work carefully because customer merge cannot be undone.
To use level Check & Merge:
- Click Customer > Find, search for the customer you wish to keep, and Edit the record.
- Click Supervisor > Merge. The Merge Customer window will appear.
- Select Duplicate Check & Merge and click OK. The database will search for duplicates and either return a message that none were found or display a list of probable matches.
- Check one or more customer records and click Merge Customers to merge them.
This merge happens immediately and cannot be undone.
- Any row marked Conflict indicates your originally selected customer did not have a spouse listed, but these probable matches do. If you select one, the spouse will be added when you complete merge. If you select multiple records with different spouses, the software will pop the Spouse Selector window asking you to pick which one will remain on the merged record.
Notes when Merging Customers:
- The System Option “Customer Duplicate Check” determines what information The Edge matches duplicates on. It is in the Customer Options section.
- Customer Merge cannot be undone. Please verify you have selected the correct customers BEFORE you click Merge Customers.