Editing Gift Certificates

Gift certificates are usually issued and redeemed at POS but to track details about gift certificates purchased at your store, use the Gift Certs function in The Edge’s Customer menu.  

NOTE:  Gift Certificate features can be turned off in System Options

To edit a gift certificate:

  1. First, you must follow the steps in the previous article named Finding Gift Certificates to generate the Gift Certificate List.
  2. Next, select a gift certificate from the Gift Certificate List and select Edit or double-click on the record.  The Edit Gift Certificate window will appear.

    Fields and options in the Edit Gift Certificate window include:

    Bought By

    Customer who purchased the gift certificate.


    Person for whom the gift certificate was purchased.

    Gift Amount

    The value of the gift certificate.

    Gift Date

    The date the gift certificate was purchased.

    Expires On

    Date the gift certificate expires.


    The recipient as you want the name to appear on the gift certificate.


    Personalized message to be included on the gift certificate.

    Pick a Standard Message

    Allows you to create and/or select a predefined message from a list in The Edge.


    Closing of the message.

  3. Edit fields as desired.
  4. Select a save option.


Updated on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 by Angela Chiaravalle

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