System Options

Be sure to review System Options BEFORE closing periods or printing statements.

Setup for billing cycles and interest rates are contained in System Options.

Statement Options

Generate Statement for Customers With Activity but a Negative Ending Balance

Whether to generate a statement for a customer who did have activity in the period, but now has a negative balance.  Make sure you comply with any legal requirements in your jurisdiction.

Generate Statement for Customers With Activity but a Zero Ending Balance

Whether to generate a statement for a customer who did have activity in the period, but now has a zero balance.  Make sure you comply with any legal requirements in your jurisdiction.

Statement “From Address” Location Adjustment

When statements are printed, the amount, in 1/1440ths of an inch, the “from address” value should be moved up, down, in overall width, and in overall height.

Statement “To Address” Location Adjustment

When statements are printed, the amount, in 1/1440ths of an inch, the “to address” value should be moved up, down, in overall width, and in overall height.

Statement Closing Date

The day of the month for statement closing date (1-31).  Will automatically use the last day of February if 29, 30, or 31 is selected.

Statement Due Date Days After Statement End Date

Due date calculated by adding this number of days to the statement end date.

Statement Wording For Dates Outside the Current Period

Wording used in override message and in statement footer when the dates do not conform to the posting dates.  This field may not be blank.

Statement Wording Interest

Wording for interest and average balance.  Ensure that your wording meets legal requirements.

Statement Wording Minimum Amount Due

Wording for minimum payment and due date.  Ensure that your wording meets legal requirements.

Statement Wording When House Account Balances Have Been Estimated

When initially using the Aging function, indicates the wording to be used on statements that have been generated using an estimated balance.  This will only be necessary until all estimated balances have been adjusted and verified.

Statement Wording When Running Without Closing

Wording used in the override message and in the statement footer when the statement has been printed before closing the current period.  This field may not be blank.

Store Charge Options

Everybody Can Charge

Set this to True to allow all customers to use a store charge or house account.  Set this to False to check if the customer is set up for a store charge or house account before allowing it at POS.

Store Charge Interest Rate – Percentage

The interest rate to be charged on outstanding store charge balances as a percentage. 

Store Charge Minimum Fee – Dollar Amount

Store charge minimum fee (finance charge) as a dollar amount.  Note this only applies to store charge balances.

Store Charge Minimum Payment Due – Dollar Amount

The minimum payment expected on outstanding store charge balances, expressed as a flat dollar amount.

Store Charge Minimum Payment Due – Percentage

The minimum payment expected on outstanding store charge balances, expressed as a percentage of the outstanding balance.

Waive Interest if Balance is Zero Anytime During Period

Whether to charge interest on a store charge (house account) if the balance was zero at any time during the billing period.

Waive Interest if Ending Balance is Zero

Whether to charge interest if the balance was zero at the end of the billing cycle.

Waive Interest if  Starting Balance is Zero

Whether to charge interest if the balance was zero at the beginning of the billing cycle.  Also known as a grace period.

Note:  If both "Store Charge Minimum Payment Due - Percent" and "Store Charge Minimum Payment Due – Dollar" are specified, then the greater of the two calculations will be used.  If the minimum payment calculation returns an amount higher than the outstanding balance, then the outstanding balance amount will be used as the minimum payment amount.

Wording Options

House Account Wording

   What you wish to call the use of a house account or store charge.

Customer-Specific Options

There are options in the Customer screen > Options tab that override some System Options pertaining to statements and aging:

House Account Customer

Overrides choices made in Everybody Can Charge.

Never Send Statements

Indicates that this customer should not receive statements as run in batches.

Special Interest Rate

Allows you to set an interest rate for just this account.

Minimum Payment

Allow you to set a minimum payment for just this account.

Credit Limit

Allows you to set a credit limit for just this account.


Updated on Tue, 20 Apr 2021 by Angela Chiaravalle

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