Downloading & Installing the Software

Downloading the Software

To download the latest version of The Edge:

  1. To locate the download file, visit and login. If you do not have a login, contact Edge Support to register.
  2. Navigate to Downloads > Edge Software.  
  3. Verify the computer has the necessary prerequisites, then click the download link to continue.
  4. Find the desired version, then download the EdgeSetup file.
  5. Allow the download to complete.

Software Installation

The Edge must be individually installed on each PC that you intend to use.  The same installer is used for every computer regardless of whether it is a workstation or the server.

There is no limit to the number of times you can install the software.  However, there is a limit to how many workstations can access the software simultaneously.  This is defined by the number of workstation licenses purchased.  Additional licenses can be added at any time; contact our  Sales department for more information.

To install:

  1. Run the EdgeSetup file downloaded earlier.  If prerequisites are missing, the installer will provide prompts to download and install them.
  2. Continue through the installer using the Next button.
    NOTE:  It is recommended you use the default install path.  This is not where the database will reside.  It is only the location of the application itself.
  3. Once it completes, click Finish.



Updated on Wed, 13 Jan 2021 by Angela Chiaravalle

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