Finding Blind Counts

The Find function allows you to look up counts for any associate.

To find Blind Counts:

  1. Click Inventory > Physical Inventory > Blind Counts > Find.  The Find Blind Counts window will appear.
  2. You can filter by the following criteria:


    The inventory location assigned.

    Assigned To

    The associate assigned to the count.

    Date Assigned

    The date the count was assigned.

    Date Completed

    The date the count was completed.

    Completion Status

    The current status of the count. 

    Over / At Threshold

    Check this to only see counts that have met or exceed the maximum number of attempts.

    Show Deleted

    Check this to include deleted counts.

  3. Enter desired criteria and click OK.  A list of matching counts will appear.
  4. Double click on an OPEN status count to start assigned blind count.
    NOTE:  Successful and failed counts will only indicate as such if associate does not have management level permissions.
  5. Management level associates can double click on a blind count status to bring up the override box to allow additional count attempts. To manage permissions, see: Permissions.
Updated on Mon, 17 Apr 2023 by Angela Chiaravalle

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