Editing Repair Jobs

To edit a repair:

  1. Click Services > Find > Job. Enter criteria to search for your repair, then select and Edit it. The Edit Repair window will appear.

  2. The top section contains information about the item; see Repair Intake for more information on these fields.
  3. The bottom section is split into three tabs: Tasks, Parts, and History. The Tasks tab is selected by default.

    Fields, options, and buttons on this tab include:

    Find SKU

    This button allows you to search for a repair SKU by its search keys


    Currently selected SKU; only populated if you use repair SKUs


    Repair task description; auto-fills if using repair SKUs, otherwise you can always fill in manually; the second description field below it allows you to enter private task notes that the customer will not see


    The associate completing the task; if an associate is chosen in top section they will automatically be assigned to all tasks, though you can still change this on a per task basis


    Price broken down by parts, labor, and other; to enter cost you must view Task Details


    Whether parts, labor, and/or other pricing are taxable; default is set via Tax on Services

    Move Task Up / Down

    These buttons change the order tasks appear on screen as well as order they will print

    Add Task

    Create a new repair task

    Cancel / Uncancel Task

    Mark selected task as canceled or, if already canceled, will undo cancellation; if the task is empty this will remove the task line entirely

    Task Details

    Opens details window for selected task allowing you to enter more information including cost; also allows you to revise prices

    Done / Undone Task

    Mark selected task as done or, if already done, will undo done


    Completion date

    ETA is Estimated

    Check this if the completion date is an estimate

    Price is Estimated

    Check this if the price is estimated


    Current location; see Move Envelope for more information


    Date entire repair was completed; entering a date here will automatically set all tasks to done

    Picked Up

    Date repair was picked up at POS


    Date repair was canceled; entering a date here will automatically set all tasks to canceled

  4. The Parts tab is optional and can include both recommended parts from a repair SKU (no link to inventory) and manually added parts entered during initial take in or subsequent edit. Parts added manually can be inventory or non-inventory. If linked to an inventory part, that piece will be consumed upon pick up.

    You can tell if a part is linked to an item by whether or not it displays the Item #.
  5. The History tab contains a record of this repair's activity including all changes. Changes are listed with their previous value followed by the symbols >> and then the new value. For example, "Done Date Changed None >> 7/11/2018" indicates the done date was changed from blank to 7/11/2018.

  6. Visit the tabs and make necessary changes. Once a repair has been marked as done you can no longer edit it unless you "un-done" it. Picked up repairs cannot be edited, but can be adjusted. See Adjusting a Repair for more information.


Updated on Thu, 08 Jul 2021 by Angela Chiaravalle

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