Verify Vendors, Inventory Item Records, and Item Details: Fine Item Records

Continue through the Conversion Checklist by next verifying your Inventory Item Records

Box A:

   N/A       Initials   



Review the detail on the list view to make sure fields populated correctly.  Note The Edge item number assigned alongside the old item number.


Box B: 

For 10 items, spot check item details by double-clicking or clicking Edit from the item list view as described below. 

   N/A       Initials   



Verify vendor ID, vendor style number, and the date entered.


Verify pricing fields (Cost, Re-cost, Lowest, Current, Retail and Sold only for sold items). Select Supervisor to activate any hidden pricing fields.


Verify stock type (all items are converted as stock unless memo or consignment are consistently marked in your old system and these characteristics and examples were provided to us.


Verify description, notes and detail fields such as metal (if converted)


Verify stones records (if converted).  Note: the Stones tab will have a green dot if the item has a stone.


Verify item location (if converted) from the Item Record screen.


Verify images on several items (if converted).


To verify your Fine Item Records:

  1. At the top of your Edge screen, navigate to Inventory tab.
  2. Click on Items.
  3. Then click the Find option.
  4. Type your former item number in the Old Item # field.

  5. We recommend starting with an in-stock item. To specify alternate statuses, stock types, and date ranges as needed, select the Type & Status tab on the item filter.
  6. Click OK to generate a list of matching items.


Item Record Examples

List View - Verify the details listed in Box A


Item Record - Verify the details listed in Box B

Example of how Pricing changes with the options See Cost and See Re-Cost selected from the Supervisor menu


Continue through the checklist by visiting the next article, Verify Inventory Item Records and Item Details:  Memo and Consignment.


Updated on Thu, 16 Feb 2023 by Angela Chiaravalle

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