Exporting Customer Information Including Occasions

You can export customer information as well as the occasion dates which are on file for them using the Export feature found under the Customer tab in Edge.

To use Export for exporting customer details including occasion dates:

  1. Navigate to Clientele > Export > For Other.
  2. Click the Customer Criteria drop-down field to open the Customer Filter window.
    •  Use the Customer Filter field to enter any specific criteria, such as amount spent or occasion date ranges to narrow down your results for a list of the specific customers you need.
  3. Then use the Export to File Name field to name and choose the location where you want to save your file.
  4. Click OK, you will see a preview of all customers included in the export. 
  5. Select all customers which you want to include and click Ok to export. 




Updated on Mon, 03 Apr 2023 by Angela Chiaravalle

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