Edge Error: Invalid Reference to QuickBooks Payment Method

This error occurs when you need to add or edit the payment methods in QuickBooks to match the payment methods in the Edge.

First Steps to Resolve Error Message

  1. Starting in Edge, click Administrative > Credit Cards > Credit Card Types.
  2. A list will appear for all credit card methods active in the Edge.
  3. Make note of the column "QuickBooks Name" - you will need one payment method for each that matches the QuickBooks Name exactly.

Next, in QuickBooks:

  1. Open your QB Company File.
  2. Click to Lists > Customer & Vendor Profile Lists > Payment Methods.
  3. Add or edit the payment methods on the list so the name of the payment method matches the QuickBooks Name for each payment method in Edge.

Further Assistance for Error Message

From QuickBooks:

From Edge:
If you are still seeing this SAME error message after following the steps outlined above, please contact The Edge Support Team at support@ajsllc.com for further assistance. You may also email directly from the Edge Error message by clicking on the Email button.

Please include payment method name information, and include the steps you were taking at the time this error message occurred. Also make note if the error message has changed after following these steps, and if so, please email in the NEW error message with details.

In addition to these details, please also include the version of Edge you are running, which can be found at the bottom left hand side of the main Edge screen.

Updated on Wed, 02 Jun 2021 by Angela Chiaravalle

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