Repair/Custom Job Tasks

Repair/Custom Job Tasks allow you to create associate tasks linked to repair or custom jobs using the Job Filter.  These tasks will retain links to the customer record, sales receipt, and job record.

To create:

  1. Click Associate > Tasks > Mass Tasks Wizard, then click Next.
  2. Select New Tasks and click Next.
  3. Select Repair/Custom Job Tasks at the top, then click the Job Filter drop-down at the bottom.
  4. Specify job criteria in the Job Filter, then click OK.  For example, you could use the Status/Dates tab to create associate tasks linked to all jobs completed but not picked up in the last week.
  5. Click Next.  A list of matching jobs will be displayed.  Check those jobs you want associate tasks created for, then click Next.
  6. Enter the Subject and choose the Associate to assign it to.  All other fields are optional.  Click Next to generate the tasks.
  7. Once complete, the system will display the number of tasks created.  Click Finish to close the wizard.
Tasks for your jeweler to review repairs awaiting estimate and to complete the estimate.


Task Type

Repair/Custom Job Tasks

Job Filter

General Tab

Job Type: Repairs

Status/Dates Tab

Complete: Only Incomplete Jobs

Estimate Only: Only Estimates


Please complete estimate


Review and complete estimate, notate any special conditions


Your jeweler



Require Notes on Completion


Updated on Mon, 23 Aug 2021 by Angela Chiaravalle

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