Add Task

This form allows you to add a single task. To use it:

  1. Click Associate > Tasks > Add. The New Task window will appear.

    New Task

  2. On the top left, choose the associate. Tasks created for 0 – Any Associate can be completed by anyone. 
  3. Optionally, use the Notify setting to choose whether a notification should be automatically sent to the associate via email, text, or both. 
  4. Optionally, use the Category drop-down to select what type of task this is. 
  5. Optionally, choose the Priority level for this task. The default is Medium
  6. Optionally, choose a Start Date
  7. Enter a Subject and Due Date. These are the only two required fields. 
  8. Click Save/Close to save your task.
Updated on Tue, 16 May 2023 by Angela Chiaravalle

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