The Spouse/Partner field on the General tab of the customer record allows you to link two customer records so you can track, and market to them, as a couple. Although linked, The Edge still maintains a separate record for each customer.
When selecting the customer at POS, the Results option defines whether you want to select them individually or as a couple.
When looking up a customer individually you have the option to switch to their spouse at POS by clicking Notes/Edit and using the Switch to Spouse button in the lower left of the customer record.
The System Option labeled Show Only Selected Customer's Services controls how layaways, special orders, repairs, custom jobs, and memos will appear in the Payment and Pick Up screens.
Only display this customer's available service transactions for payment and/or pick up
(Default) Display customer & spouse/partner's available service transactions for payment and/or pick up
The System Option controls the default setting but can still be changed live at POS. The Pick Up and Payment screens contain a radio button in the top right that controls whether to show available transactions for just this customer, or for the customer and their spouse/partner.