Getting Started with Shopify

The ECon – Shopify integration can be set up either with a brand new Shopify store or linked to an existing store.  Though data flow is bi-directional, it is strongly recommended that you use The Edge as your central hub for managing item data and images.  We cannot guarantee that changes made exclusively on Shopify will not be lost.

NOTE:  We do not provide Shopify training.  For help developing your Shopify site or managing the Shopify backend please refer to Shopify’s resources or consider hiring a consultant.

enlightenedIf you are integrating an existing store, there are some important considerations.  PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

  • ECon utilizes the SKU field on Shopify product pages to link Edge items to Shopify products.  If you have been manually populating this field with Edge item numbers, then when the synchronization occurs the Edge is going to take over managing these items which will overwrite your existing product pages and images.
  • In addition to checking for item numbers, ECon also checks the SKU field for vendor/vendor style combinations that match Edge items.  If it matches then it will assume it is a linked item and will take over managing it.
  • If you are utilizing the SKU field in any other way we cannot guarantee that the integration will not inadvertently lead to Shopify products being overwritten or deleted when it synchronizes.
  • We strongly recommend setting up a separate test store to try the integration before attempting to link it to your existing live store.  Shopify provides directions for backing up and duplicating your current store:
  • Ultimately, retrofitting the integration onto an existing store is a much more difficult proposition than starting from scratch with a brand new Shopify store.



Updated on Tue, 11 May 2021 by Angela Chiaravalle

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